Monday, March 21, 2016

Annotated Bibliography: The Neverending Story

Working Thesis: Although many scholars dismiss The Neverending Story as fantasy geared toward children, it can play an important role for children in becoming literate.
I would really like to address the use of the alphabet and tie it into literacy (especially early literacy) though I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do that yet.

Works Cited
Filmer, Kath. ""Religion and Romanticism in Michael Ende's the Neverending Story."." Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S.Lewis, Charles Williams, and the Genres of Myth and Fantasy 18.1 (1991): 59-64. Print.
It is from the perspective of a scholar who sees the value in The Neverending Story as an important text. The non-obvious role of religion is examined, as is the non-evaluative presentation of good and evil.
Friesen, Amber, and Gretchen Butera. "'You Introduce all of the Alphabet...but I do Not Think it should be the Main Focus': Exploring Early Educators' Decisions about Reading Instruction." Early Childhood Education Journal 40.6 (2012): 361-8. Print.
Very academic article about research done on teaching reading. The discussion on the use of the alphabet, is particularly interesting.
Ganis, Venus, and Susan Paterson. "Imagination in Early Childhood Education." Australian Art Education 34.2 (2011): 79. Print.
The role imagination plays in literacy is critical. I'd like to explore the use of fantasy as an imagination promoter, and in effect a literacy promoter.
Jones, Cindy, Sarah Clark, and D. Reutzel. "Enhancing Alphabet Knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators." Early Childhood Education Journal 41.2 (2013): 81-9. Print.
The use of the Alphabet in The Neverending Story, could be an informal example of the principles outlined in this article for teaching literacy and teaching the alphabet.
Nikolajeva, Maria. "How Fantasy is made: Patterns and Structures in the Neverending Story." Merveilles and Contes 4 (1990): 34-41. Print.
This article discusses the pieces and structure of fantasy and would be useful to examine how The NeverendingStory both is very inline with and departs from the norm. This article makes the claim that The Neverending Story is canonical, with many patterns found in other texts.
Schueler, H. J. "Michael Ende's Die Unendliche Geschicte and the Recovery of Myth through Romance." Seminar 23 (1987): 355-74. Print.
A critical reading and analysis of The Neverending Story and treatment of it as a romance. This author is more familiar than most with the German text Die Unendliche Geschicte, which is extremely helpful because I don't actually know any German.

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