Okay so I took Prof. Burton seriously when he said only one hour. I timed myself and once the time was up, it was up. So here it is!
Flashbacks have been used
throughout literature in a variety of ways. Most commonly flashbacks have been
used to elicit and portray a change in characters as seen with Margaret Edson’s
film version of the play Wit and
Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. Edson portrays a proud woman, Vivian Bearing,
who has Scrooge like qualities such as her lack of sympathy towards others
because she is too focused on advancing herself intellectually. While suffering
from cancer, Vivian goes through a series of flashbacks of moments in her own
life to see how she, herself, has stopped her own progression and happiness. On
the other hand, Dickens tells of a bitter old man, Ebenezer Scrooge, whose only
concern is money and himself. Ebenezer also goes through a journey through
flashbacks to see how his actions have effected and continue to affect others.
Although both works of literature use flashbacks as a journey to change, Wit’s portrayal shows how Vivian must
look within herself to see that it was her own choices that brought her to
where she is now in contrast to Scrooge’s lesson of looking outside of himself
and realizing the affect he has on others.
While in the hospital, Vivian sees a flashback of a
childhood memory where she is talking to her father about the word soporific.
At first, Vivian merely observes the scene before taking the place of her
younger-self. While in the flashback Vivian still looks the same; her head is
still bald, she’s in a hospital gown, but this time there is a difference. She
has taken on the persona of the child version of herself. She is youthful in
thoughts, energetic, and excited about the world. Her childhood innocence
portrays the pure love she once had for literature, for it started out as
something to be enjoyed and filled her with happiness. In contrast, Scrooge’s
flashback of his childhood years paints a different picture. He is sad and all
alone, with no one there. His life started out dreary and as the present day
Scrooge observes his dark past he is able to see from another perspective his
life and how the choices of others affected him. Looking at his life from the
outside Scrooge is able to see how he did not have much light in his world to
start with and how he has basked in that state, instead of trying to change it.
Because Scrooge was merely observing the
audience doesn’t get the same feeling that are elicited when Vivian takes on
her childhood persona. While participating in the flashback, Vivian is able to
see how far she has come from living and enjoying her life like she did as a
child. Looking inside herself, allows Vivian to
reevaluate her current condition and see that she wasn’t always
miserable, instead she brought it upon herself; in contrast, Scrooge’s flashbacks
through a third party allow him to see that lack of progress he has made in his
While reminiscing about her young adult years, Vivian
flashes back to her days in college. In this scene, she is talking to her
professor about a paper she had written that the professor found disappointing.
The present day Vivian replaces her college-self as the professor admonishes
her lack of understand of John Donne’s Holy Sonnet X. After this chastening,
the professor advises Vivian to not worry about the paper and instead to go
outside and socialize, live life. Coming out of the flashback, Vivian remarks
that instead she went back to the library. In this flashback, the audience is
able to see how Vivian yearns for the intellectual side of things, even in her
current state, she places herself back in the shoes of a college girl trying to
justify a paper that was not right. It is also through this flashback that one
can see how Vivian loses her sense of wonder about the world and interacting
with others and instead focuses on her own intellectual improvement. In
contrast, Scrooge’s flashback to his young adult years show a time of
happiness. He observing a party in which the young Scrooge is with a beautiful
woman, the love of his life. She makes him happy and it seems as if though
Scrooge’s life is beginning to look up. But as with Vivian’s own choice of
going back to the library, Scrooge made a choice to pursue money and greed
instead of a happy life with the woman he loved. And this choice broke the
woman’s heart, and affected her in ways that Scrooge wouldn’t know about until
he witnessed the flashback all those years later. Both of these flashbacks
showed pivotal moments in Vivian and Scrooge’s lives, they show the moment of
decline in the characters’ lives because of their greed. By looking in herself,
Vivian is able to see that her greed for knowledge is the beginning of her
decline to her present state, while Scrooge is able to see that not only does
his actions affect himself but they have a detrimental effect on others.
Vivian also witnesses a flashback of her adult years as a
professor. After a lecture a student approached her desk to ask for an
extension on his paper because his grandmother had died and he needed to travel
to her funeral. Lacking mercy and sympathy for the student’s current condition,
Vivian states that she will not allow for an extension and that either the boy
turn his paper in early or not at all. Vivian compares this moment to herself
in the hospital, how when she needed sympathy, no one was there to give it. By
looking at her past actions and comparing them to her present state, Vivian is
able to see not only how it feels to be without the sympathy of others but also
gives her a look into how she is perceived by others. Not as someone great, but
rather someone to be feared and strongly disliked. In contrast, Scrooge sees a
flashback of an earlier moment, where he denied Bob Cratchit a wage large
enough to treat Tiny Tim’s sickness. Scrooge is then shown a present day
glimpse into the life of the Cratchit’s where they have a small Christmas
dinner and the sadness of the parents because the inability to fully help their
son. Scrooge is able to see that because of his greed and unsympathetic ways,
he is affecting more people than he realizes. With an inside look into her own
life, Vivian can see that her lack of
sympathy brought her to her sad and lonely present state; in contrast, Scrooge’s
look into the life of others show how he has an effect on their lives and truly
does make a difference, in this particular case that difference is bad.
After going through these series of flashbacks, Vivian is
still in the hospital with a changed heart, only now she is dying. Along the
journey of flashbacks, she has seen where she came from, her decisions that
brought her to where she is now, and what she desires for herself, that being sympathy
and real human interactions, in the present and future. At the end of the play,
Vivian is finally released by death, which she was able to choose because
Susie, the nurse, had taken the time to explain the different options Vivian
had. This small action Susie took not only fulfilled the desire Vivian had to
have someone who truly cared about her, but also allowed Vivian to be released-
through death- from her current unhappy state. Vivian is finally able to see
that it is not all about the intellectual pursuits, but rather the love
extended towards others that really matters. In contrast, at the end of Scrooge’s
tale not only has his heart been changed by the flashbacks he has witnessed but
he also has the opportunity to make things right. He is released from his
current unhappy state by helping out the Cratchits as well as changing his
outlook on life, that being it’s not about the money it is about the people.
While at the end Vivian is released through death and Scrooge is released from
his present state with an opportunity to fix his life, it is through the use of
flashbacks that the change was elicited in both of these characters. Vivian had
to look within herself to see how she had been brought to where she was
currently at to learn the lesson of where she needed to go and how, and Scrooge
had to look into the lives of others to see how his actions affected others and
how he could fix the wrongs he had committed.
I love love love your relating Wit to A Christmas Carol. That was so creative! AND you had lots of content to back your theory up! I wouldn't have noticed the similarities between the two until you brought them up.