Saturday, January 30, 2016

Meet This Thesis.

Wow, that was a terrible pun and an awful title.  Oh well!

Thesis statements are important. ßNot a great thesis statement for the blog post, but it gets the job done and this is informal writing so it doesn’t matter and I can do what I want.  Even spel things wrong.  No one’s mad! 

Dr. Burton’s slideshow was pretty sweet and helped me get a grip on thesis statements.  It also gave me more motivation to write my paper for American Lit that I’ve put off for a month, so that’s also a win.  It was good for me to try to think of ways to make W;t something that smart people would argue about because it forced me to think about things actively instead of just let the literature happen to me, ya know?

Here are a few of my ideas.  I don’t necessarily love any of them, but I do see some potential, so I’m open to constructive criticism.  They definitely make planning out a paper much easier, to be sure!

Comparison Claim: Although she is never described outright, audiences come to know what protagonist Dr. Vivian Bearing is like Is like on Claim: ncer show audiences that true fulfillment should be sought in relationships and kindness rather than recognitithrough the insights of and interactions with other characters in the play, W;t.

Evaluation Claim: Despite being portrayed as simple and unintelligent, Susie is one of the most important characters in the play, W;t, because she is a dramatic foil that helps audiences better understand the character of Dr. Bearing.

Causal Claim: Though the inquisitive nature of Dr. Jason Posner’s character may have influenced his actions, he is much like Dr. Vivian Bearing because she was the one who taught him to probe and dissect subjects of study for answers.

Policy Claim: Despite reaching various levels of scholarly achievement, Dr. Vivian Bearing’s regretful reflections on her life during her battle with cancer show audiences that true fulfillment should be sought in relationships and kindness rather than recognition.

Definition Claim: Though simple in its setup, the one-room set of the play, W;t, is a statement on the dramatic changes that can happen without much physical movement in a person’s life because it shows how Dr. Vivian Bearing’s world is flipped around in a short period of time and a single space.


  1. I felt like all of mine were super rough too--but that could just be because we're pulling a bunch of theses from the air without doing nearly as much research as we would if we were choosing a single idea and writing a huge paper on it. In that case we'd have the time to really refine it.

  2. Really liked your opening, I thought it was really funny and the entire time i was thinking "same" haha and I like how you acknowledged how there is potential in each claim, exactly how i felt while writing mine :)

  3. Oh, your picture made me laugh. I relate. Haha. :) All of your claims were really well-worded! I especially liked your use of the foil in the evaluation claim. It sets the stage for a really strong essay!
