Monday, March 21, 2016

Animal Farm Research

Working thesis: Despite all the obvious comparisons between the political environment of Animal Farm and the rise of the Soviet Union, George Orwell’s political satire is about the corruption that power causes in an individual and the relative ease of obtaining power in relation to correctly using that gained power. 

Hollis, Christopher. A Study of George Orwell; the Man and His Works. Chicago: H. Regnery, 1956. Print.
This book talks about some of Orwell’s most famous works including Animal Farm.  It discusses the success of the book, and why it is considered so great despite the fact that there are tons of animal fables written.  It discusses the fuse of a light-hearted animal story with the political opinions expressed by Orwell. 

Letemendia, V. C.. “Revolution on Animal Farm: Orwell's Neglected Commentary”. Journal of Modern Literature 18.1 (1992): 127–137. Web...
This is a commentary on a few different aspect of the book.  The author talks about Orwell’s commentary on education, political reform and socialism.  It will be helpful in understanding the deeper meaning intended by George Orwell in writing the book as well as the political situation in the world at the time it was written. 

Newsinger, John. Europe-Asia Studies 48.7 (1996): 1264–1265. Web...
This is a short review about Animal Farm and its reference to political revolutions and corruption of leadership.

Sawant, N. R. Glimpses of George Orwell's World. Jaipur: Shruti Publications, 2012. Print.
This book is essentially a biography about George Orwell’s life, but it has a few really interesting chapters on Animal Farm that specifically talk about the idea of power corrupting people.  It also talk specifically about how Animal Farm is about political revolutions in general, not just in the soviet union. 

Streissguth, Thomas, and Alexander Meigs Haig. Soviet Leaders from Lenin to Gorbachev. Minneapolis: Oliver, 1992. Print.
This is a book about the Soviet Leadership starting with Lenin and going all the way to the fall of the Soviet Union.  I think it could be helpful in trying to understand the comparisons Orwell is making.  It will help me to understand the actions of the early Soviet leaders that were in power when the book was written.
Williams, Raymond. George Orwell. New York: Viking, 1971. Print.
This is a book about the life and philosophies of George Orwell including a chapter on politics.  It think it will be helpful in understanding where Orwell was coming from politically when he wrote Animal Farm and his other political novels. 

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