Monday, March 21, 2016

English Symposium Shenanigans

I call them shenanigans, but it was more like "Jonah having no idea what any of the session titles meant and panicking, or that the only session he could attend was Friday morning and he still didn't know what to pick so he went to a Creative Writing session instead of a criticism one."
So yeah, that was my symposium story. I went to the session of Creative Writing based on the topic of grief, and it was actually really interesting. "Creative Writing" as a phrase is fairly ambiguous, and so a lot of different styles were presented. The first girl read a really cool horror short story she'd structured as the diary of the main character, another girl did a poem, and the last presentation was an excerpt from a graphic novel the presenter was both writing and drawing herself. To be honest, just the sound of well-written pieces helped me get into a better mindset for writing my final paper. Other than that, it might not have been as helpful as other sessions may be for my paper, but since Creative Writing is the focus of my major, it certainly helped in that regard.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like we all have had some sort of shenanigans going on with the Symposium. Thank goodness you made it to one of the sessions! and that it totally helps with what youre going into!
