Saturday, February 20, 2016

Possible Relevant Sources for Justin

Options for Justin’s Essay 

These were found on the BYU HBLL database.

Music in film – soundtracks:
Goldmark, Daniel, Richard Leppert, and Lawrence Kramer. Beyond the Soundtrack : Representing Music in Cinema. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. Print.

This is a great resource for the influence of music in film.  It discusses how directors use soundtracks to shape the movie experience for viewers.

Clark, Margaret. Understanding Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice. London: Karnac Books, 2012. Print.

This resource helps nurses understand how to treat patients and the importance of clinical procedures.  I figured that would be helpful to understand what should have been happening between doctors and patients.

Reactions to traumatic experiences
Rokach, Ami. "Terminal Illness and Coping with Loneliness." Journal of Psychology 134.3 (2000): 283. Print.

This article should provide insight into what Vivian and other cancer patients typically go through after hearing their diagnosis.  Hopefully it’s useful!

Professional Jargon
Scotten, Mitzi, et al. "Minding the Gap: Interprofessional Communication during Inpatient and Post Discharge Chasm Care." Patient education and counseling 98.7 (2015): 895-900. Print.

Here, you could explore the medical terms and communication gap that Jason and Vivian have.  Vivian has one of her own with most people, as shown by how she has trouble relating to her students. This one mostly just focuses on the struggle that doctors and patients have understanding each other.

Cancer Treatments
Humphrey, Rachel,W., et al. "Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Experimental Drug Combinations for Cancer." JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103.16 (2011): 1222-6. Print.

This article would better explain the treatment that Vivian might have to go through.  By knowing more about it, you can better explain what the doctors do to her and the awful effects it has.

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