Monday, February 1, 2016

Thesis Statements

Here are my (albeit sloppy) proposed thesis statements for W;t. There are many important formal elements in this poem, but these are the ones that stood out to me.

[Policy]: Vivian's formal diction shows her complete devotion to her work, but she finds that words fail her when it matters most because she regrets not having worked with compassion and love.

[Definition]: Although it is not a prominent part of the play, the minimalist setting is a medium for major character development for Vivian, as shown through internal monologues and meaningful conversations.

[Comparison]: It is true that Vivian and Susie are very different characters at the beginning of the play, but the characters of both Jason and Susie show different aspects of Vivian's character as her progression is shown through flashbacks and conversations.

[Evaluation]: Each of the characters went into their careers because of their passion for the work, but Vivian and Jason through their selfishness and Susie through her compassion show that the most meaningful careers are created when done with love and goodness.

[Causal]: Although she found pride in her career, Vivian came to see at the end of her life that true joy comes through her relationships with others as she began to form and cherish true relationships.


  1. I thought that your evaluation claim was really strong here. I hadn't thought about why the characters went into their careers, and I think that you could develop that idea really well in a paper.

  2. I agree with Shelby... the evaluation thesis was stellar! I also liked how your policy claim will be able to provide for a really strong essay.

  3. I liked your causal thesis. It was very clear and showed what I think is the whole purpose of the play.
